這張唱片其實有許多值得介紹的地方,或許之前的發行並未著墨。比方說樂團的編製。以各位Stacey Kent樂迷過去的聆聽經驗顯示,她的唱片裡大多至少擁有二位能在和弦上作變化的伴奏樂手,一個是老公Jim Tomlinson,另一位則是吉他手。但這張唱片裡少了吉他這個編制,且據Tomlinson表示,這還是他們夫妻倆第一次在缺少吉他的情況下錄製專輯 作品,這當然是樂迷值得注意的地方。取而代之的是鼓手Matt Skelton,他給予這個樂團更多的節奏支撐,製造出與以往大異其趣的音樂氛圍。比方說第五軌《I Got Lost in His Arms》,Skelton一雙鼓棒所帶來的是更具戲劇性的音樂圖像,就像歌名的意思一樣。
I've grown accustomed to his face
he almost makes the day begin
I've grown accustomed
to the tune that he whistles night and noon
his smiles, his frowns
his ups, his downs
are second nature to me now
like breathing out and breathing in
I was serenely independent
and content before we met
surely I could always be that way again
and yet, I've grown accustomed to his look
accustomed to his voice
accustomed to his face
I'm so used to hearing him say
'good morning,' every day
his joys, his woes
his highs, his lows
are second nature to me now
like breathing out and breathing in
I'm very grateful he's a man and so easy to forget
rather like a habit one can always break
and yet, I've grown accustomed
to the trace of something in the air
accustomed to his face...